Version 2.54
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🆕 Input Bar Animations
Crystal has new animations within the Input Bar that make your navigation experience more dynamic and interactive; we called them ‘Gen-AI Animations on Gravitonium.’
Gravitonium Hover Effect - when you access Crystal and move the cursor on the Gravitonium, it will become bigger. This means Crystal is ready for your question.
Seamless Morphing Transition - when you click on the Gravitonium, it will go down, turning into the Input Bar.
Active Listening Visual Cue - when you ask Crystal a question using the speech-to-text feature, you will see a recording animation; this means Crystal is listening.
Dynamic Button Color Shift - when you move the cursor on the speak button, it changes color from a cool blue to a purple gradient. This means Crystal is ready to listen to you.
Enough with explanations.
Go and explore these new design animations in Crystal and watch the video.
Just for the Admin
🆕 Denodo
Great news: there is a new live connector available in Crystal! You can now establish a live connection and select Denodo as a data source when creating new topics.
To integrate Denodo, as for all the other connectors:
Make sure to give access to the Host IP address, port number, database number, user, and password, then indicate the data source name.
Keep in mind that Crystal only supports Denodo version v7 and later versions.
🆕 API Data Connector
Crystal integration abilities are now broader than ever!
Whether there is a specific connector in Crystal or not (like Denodo, Teradata, Snowflake, etc.), you can now select a flexible API connector to connect your data sources.
⚠️ Please note that you will need our support to use the API Data Connector, but we are pleased to help!
🆕 Haptic Touch Feedback
Enjoy new accessibility features within the Gravitonium button and smooth your experience in the Crystal mobile and your data exploration like butter.
With a long tap on the Gravitonium, you’ll be redirected to the Advisor with the conversation in focus; a vibration will signal the transition.
The iGenius team has worked hard to fix over 30 bugs in this release.
Yes, that’s right! Over 30!
All the activities were planned based on actual inputs from you and other users and by continuous testing.
Here are three main bugs.
✔️Composition Donut
Updating Key Values Breakdown
Before - when you interact with the breakdown - adding or removing breakdown entities - within the Composition Donut, the Key Value at the top always displayed the Aggregate number. Still, the Breakdown Value inside the donut didn’t change.
This visualization was not accurate and could cause misunderstanding or frustration.
After - The issue is now fixed, adding a dynamic display mechanism. When you choose to select or deselect a breakdown entity within the Composition Donut, the Breakdown Value inside the Donut now adjusts in real time.
✔️Insight Analysis Output
Analysis Accuracy Improvement
Before - When opening an Insight Analysis output from the Notification Center, you got an error message stating it was impossible to provide the analysis of Extreme Values.
After - We have fixed the bug, and you can now get an accurate analysis on the Extreme Values Card as part of the Insight Analysis Output.
Accessing the Kebab Menu within the Topic Card
Before - When opening an Insight Analysis output from the Notification Centre, in the related Topic Card, there wasn’t the Kebab Menu.
After - Now, the Kebab Menu is always present, allowing you to continue the data exploration, to share insights, download the topic card, and any other additional actions.
✔️Custom Topic Title
Preventing editing while publishing
Just for the Admins
As you know, the Custom Topic Title feature allows every admin to customize the title of a topic to make it clearer to the users what the topic is about.
This feature is available ONLY when a topic is already published.
Before - Admins could access and edit the Custom Topic Title while the Topic was in the publishing phase, with no clear instructions.
This generated confusion in the Admins.
After - Now, if admins want to customize a topic title of a topic that has not been published yet, they will see a clear note informing them about this limitation.
A small fix that saves lots of time!
✔️Allow Notification Message
Once you allow notifications at first access, Crystal will record and remember this information. You won’t need to allow notifications all the time you access the app.
Bugs and fixes are regular activities for the iGenius team, but your contribution as a Crystal user is crucial.
If you need more help with Crystal, visit our !