Choose System Settings

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As a crystal admin for your project, you can manage various settings and configurations related to your project directly from the System Settings area of crystal. We recommend limiting who is an admin in your project to ensure that only a selected few people have access to managing your System Settings.

Access this area from the top navigation menu.

In the slide-out panel, you can manage the following settings:

  • Company. In this area, you can add your company name.

  • Languages. In this area you can see the language (or languages) that your project is in.

  • Time Range. This is the default time range that will be assign to all the topics you create for this project. You can change on the single topic level here in the Self-Service Console. When asking the advisor for a topic, if you don't specify a time range, this default value will be applied.

  • Dashboard. In this area, choose whether you want to enable or disable the Dashboard for all of the members in your crystal project. We recommend keeping it enabled, as it’s another way for your members to gain insights related to your data without requiring them to interact with the advisor. If the Dashboard is enabled all topics created will be added by default, but on the topic level, you can decide to not include one. Learn more about your Dashboard in this article.

When you’re finished configuring your system settings, press Save.

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Last updated