Version 2.52


Web (v2.52)

🆕 ECharts | Enablement

You can enjoy a new comprehensive Charts library and easily interact with topic objectives: comparison, composition, over time, progress, highlights, and tables.

PS: This is something words cannot tell. Go and explore them in Crystal!

🆕 Topic Card | See More Filters Revamp

Get ready to save time and explore your data even faster!

You now have many different ways to apply filters from the topic card itself, with no need to ask the question again in the input bar.

Applying a filter within a topic card gives you a 'See More' experience.

💡Remember: it pops up with at least one filter already in use.

In particular, when you click 'See More':

  • You can see ALL the Default and Dynamic Filters applied, including the Time Filter;

  • You can edit the Dynamic Filters already applied, or add a new filter.

🆕 Autocomplete | Simplified Filters Suggestion | Concatenation

Now, you can get suggestions for multiple filters combined within the same sentence via the autocomplete feature.

Here's how it works.

After you select the first filter value from autocomplete's suggestions, just type a "space," and you'll see the words automatically appear, suggesting other Dynamic Filter in your input bar.

The best part is you can keep repeating this process to apply even more Dynamic Filters to a single question, making it super easy to refine your search and get the exact results you need.

Mobile (3.0.34)

🆕 Topic Card Revamp | Time Filter Editing

You can now interact with the Time Range applied to the Topic through the filter button within the Topic Card.

This will allow you to change the Time Range without asking the question again in the input bar, helping save time and improve your overall experience with Crystal.


Web (v2.52)

✔️Anomaly Detection | Single Notification

Crystal can recognize all the anomalies for a single topic, and promptly send you a single notification, based on order or priority, avoiding multiple notifications that are very similar to each other.

This is great because it lets you stay in control and quickly manage anomalies.

Just for the Admin:

✔️Console | Topics | Search by Custom Topic Title

The Admin can now search for a specific topic, choosing between:

  • The CCT (Custom Title Topic), chosen by the Admins when configuring the topic

  • The DTT (Default Topic Title), the title assigned by default by Crystal

💡 By making the search process smoother and faster, Admin can speed up any changes or updates they need to work on the topics.

Last updated