Context Memory

This page describes the Context Memory capability.

Crystal can keep memory of what you have previously asked, i.e. the context of your question.

This capability allows you to ask follow-up questions on the Topic under analysis without having to write full sentences again, as Crystal understands the context.

In particular, Crystal can keep memory of all the information regarding the Topic.

Let's see how it works.

Memory of Topic Elements

Once you have asked a Topic, Crystal remembers your question as the conversational context.

In particular, Crystal is able to keep memory of the elements forming a Topic, so that you can ask for all the other elements that you need without writing the memorized elements again.

In other words, the context memory enables you to ask for Topics by requesting a sort of "switch" of the elements inside the Topic in context.


Even when asking Topics with this modality, Crystal will return a Topic only if it has been configured by the Admin in Console.

Objective Memory (Entity Switch)

Crystal can remember the Topic's Objective as the conversational context.

In this way, you can ask for a new Topic by just switching the Entities.

How to do it? Simply ask “And of…?”, then add the needed Entities with a formulation that is coherent with the current Objective.

Crystal will show you a Topic that has the same Objective but different Entities!


  • (Breakdown) "And of Sales by Agent?"

  • (Comparison) "And of Sales vs Target?"

  • (Overtime) "And of Country?"

Entities Memory (Objective Switch)

Crystal can remember the Topic's Entities as the conversational context.

In this way, you can ask for a new Topic by just switching the Objective.

How to do it? Simply ask “And the…?”, then add an Objective (or Visualization) that is coherent with the current Entities.

Crystal will show you a Topic that has the same Entities but different Objective!


  • "And the Comparison?"

  • "And the Breakdown?"

  • "And the Overtime?"

Topic Memory (Filter Switch)

Crystal can remember both Objective and Entities together (i.e. a Topic) as the conversational context.

In this way, you can narrow down the same Topic with Filters, without asking for Objective and Entity again.

How to do it? Simply ask “And for…?”, then add a Dynamic and / or a Time Filter.

Crystal will show you the same Topic filtered with new Filters!


  • "And for country Italy?"

  • "And for Italy?"

  • "And for last quarter?"

  • "And in 2022?"

  • "And for Spain in 2021?"

Filter Memory (Topic Switch)

If the previously asked Topic contained some Filters, Crystal can remember them too as the conversational context.

In this way, you can ask for another Topic (with different Objectives and Entities) that contains the same Filters, instead of asking for the new Topic and specifying Filters again.

How to do it? Simply ask “And the…?”, then add the desired Topic.

Crystal will show you the new Topic filtered with the same Filters!


  • "And the List of Country Manager?"

  • "And the Breakdown of total Sales by Country?"

  • "And the Comparison of Sales vs Target?"

Keep talking to your data!

Last updated