Version 2.49


Web (v2.49)

🆕 New feature: Insight Analysis I Top Contributor

Now you can gain valuable insights by requesting Crystal an in-depth statistical analysis on the Automated Insights Top Contributor for all Topic types (save for Overtime).

Discover the values that have the highest impact and make more informed decisions.

General I Web (v2.49) & Mobile (3.0.30)

✔️ Topic Classification in Exact Match

Crystal now understands the exact Topic titles in conversation with 100% accuracy. No more confusion or extra steps - get the information you need effortlessly.

✔️ Apply Filters with the Ask Button

You can now edit the Dynamic Filters by clicking the Ask button in the Topic card. Add, edit, or clear filters to tailor your analysis to your needs.

✔️ Automated Insights | Highlight Topics

Access a collection of Automated Insights in Advisor, even for Highlight Topics that contain simple numbers. To uncover the Insights, the following Topics must be configured and based on the same entity as the Highlight Topic:

  • Overtime (Single-line)

  • Composition

  • Comparison

Just for Admin users

✔️ New Data Connector: Snowflake

You can now easily connect to Snowflake and select it as a data source. Enjoy seamless integration of your data for more comprehensive analysis and insights.