Version 2.12

crystal Version 2.12 is now available!

Big news is the implementation of another Identity Provider, alongside Google Workspace: from this version on, crystal now also supports Azure, for login and contact importing.

Please find the updates below split by user type:

For Members

A member is a user who accesses the advisor and Dashboard

crystal now supports Azure

Google Workspace is no longer the only Identity Provider supported by crystal: with version 2.12, our users will be able to log in to their projects and import their contacts - users and groups of users - also from Azure.

Conversation improvement

To improve the conversation quality, we removed the semantic meaning of the filter name inside of a sentence. This fixes some misclassification issues caused by those filter tags which were very similar to entity names.

Login email is no longer case sensitive

A user can now type the login email address regardless of using upper and lower case: the field is no longer case sensitive and this will help to improve the login experience.

For Admins

An admin is a user who can configure crystal in the Self-Service Console.

Security enhancements

Security enhancements actions were taken to ensure the highest standards and guarantee total safety for all sensitive information.

Importing users enhancements

An inline notification was added to the importing group page in the User section. Purpose of the notification is to make it clearer to users that, when groups are imported from an IDP, the members of any sub-group possibly present are also contextually imported.

Bug fixes on topic statuses

As of now sometimes a bug would cause a published topic to go back to ready status. Thanks to this bug fix, this is no longer happening.

Another bug fix concerns the resolution of an issue that would cause the topic to stay published despite an unpublishing request.

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