Crystal Web v2.57

Below are the new features and bugs fixed in the latest version of Crystal for Web, divided into Members and Admins.

For Members

🆕 Entity-Based Conversation

Big news!

Crystal now offers a new capability: the automatic generation of Topics.

This makes conversational capabilities more powerful than ever before, allowing you to:

  1. ask Topics that are not pre-configured by the Admin User in the Console

When you ask a question, Crystal is now able to autonomously generate Topics in real-time, based on Entities within the dataset.

  1. ask questions with more flexibility

For the Composition and Highlight Objectives, Crystal is able to infer the Topic Objective and Visualization without the need for you to specify them in your question.

Discover More!

You can find a complete and detailed overview of these capabilities in the "Entity-Based Conversation" article!

✔️ Autocomplete & Filter Features with Customized Row-Level Security (RLS)

Before - Only in the cases of Databases with custom Row-Level Security policies applied, the display of Filter Values in the "Autocomplete" and in the "Filter from Topic Card" features did not take into consideration the permissions applied to the Database, resulting in erroneous display of all possible Filter Values.

Now - Both features do strictly adhere to Databases' custom permissions, displaying only the Filter Values that you actually have permissions for and excluding all the restricted ones.

Please Note

This issue only pertains to the cases of Row-Level Security policies (RLS) applied directly to the Databases in the Data Source.

The visibility settings for Filter Values managed internally by the Admin via the Console's Permissions Management System have not been involved in this intervention and are continuously guaranteed.

✔️ Include Capital Letters in Email at Login and Password Reset

Before - During the processes of Login and Password Reset, it was not possible to include capital letters in the email.

Now - You can use an email that contains capital letters when logging in to Crystal and when resetting your password.

✔️ Updated Maintenance Page

Before - In the event of a temporary malfunctioning, no error message was being displayed.

Now - In the event of a temporary malfunctioning, a Maintenance Page is shown to inform you that Crystal is not usable and the service will be restored shortly.

For example, this may occur when a version upgrade is occurring, an internal maintenance activity is taking place, or a critical malfunction is being resolved.

The Maintenance Page appears automatically in one of the said scenarios, and then it deactivates once the problem has being solved.

✔️ New Error Message for Insufficient Viewing Permissions on Topics

Before - When insufficient permissions are present to view a Topic, a generic error message was shown.

Now - A specific error message is shown to clearly communicate that the issue is related to permissions and that the best solution is to reach out to the Admin of your Crystal Project.

For Admins

🆕 Extended Default Time Range for Topics with Objective "Overtime" in Console Analytics

Before - The default time range for Topics Overtime was 1 month, which meant you could gather data within the last 30 days.

Now - We have extended the time range to 3 months, so that you can gather data up to the last 90 days.

✔️ Topics with Objective "Description" Available in "Topics" Section

Before - Despite enabling the flag to include the Topics Description in the "Topics" Section of the Advisor, these Topics remained inaccessible for Member Users, not being actually displayed.

Now - Activating the flag for all Topics Description you can ensure their availability on the "Topics" Section for Members Users.

✔️ Missing Star Symbol on the Top Alias

Before - The star symbol that indicates the most important alias was no longer visible, both during the Topic Configuration process and in the "Entity Management" Section.

Now - Star symbol is available again in all the required spaces.

✔️ Include Capital Letters in User Email at User Invitation

Before - During the process of manual User invitation, it was not possible to include capital letters in the User email.

Now - You can use an email that contains capital letters when manually inviting Users.

Enhancing Crystal and fixing bugs are regular activities for the iGenius Team, but there are several ways you can access to more support if you need it!

Last updated