Version 2.13
crystal Version 2.13 is out!
We spent most of our time on tuning and refining what we’ve already got, and we introduced the new feature Integration with Microsoft Teams to our users in beta version.
Please find the updates below split by user type:
For Members
A member is a user who accesses the advisor and Dashboard
Microsoft Teams integration
It is now possible to use crystal in Microsoft Teams! Our users can now upload a custom crystal application to have direct access to their data and receive valuable insights as easy as communicating with their colleagues.
Improvement of topics with missing values exporting
The error when topic with missing values could not be downloaded is resolved. From now on a pdf version of the topic will be downloaded with the message that data is missing.
Dashboard modifications
In order to optimize the Dashboard and its usability, topics with description objective will no more be displayed there. They are still available in the conversation with crystal.
Topic publishing stability improvements
We improved the topic publishing process to make it more resilient to errors occurring during the datasets generation and retrain.
crystal responses are enriched
We have updated crystal’s communication style and responses for the alerting functionalities.
UI fixes
We have fixed several issues on user interface side, such as currency formats in Italian language and message bubbles and topics size for iPad.
For Admins
An admin is a user who can configure crystal in the Self-Service Console.
UI and bug fixes
We have fixed several issues and bugs on the Self-Service console, such as errors of topic statuses rollback and previously hidden log-out button, now visible.
Need help using crystal? Check out the full crystal tutorials here.
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