Version 2.20

crystal version 2.20 is out!

This version delivers new features and improvements to crystal. Please find the updates below:

Scatterplot introduction

Great news! Scatterplot is now available as a new visualization type. There are two types of scatterplots: two dimensional scatter and three dimensional scatter. To configure them, click on “Add new topic“ in Console, choose the data source and select “Comparison“ section during the configuration step.

Topic management improvements

You can now publish and unpublish topics in bulks. To do so, click on “bulk actions“ button in the main menu of Self-Service console and select “publish topics“ or “unpublish topics“ depending on what you would like to do. A menu with available topics will be opened and you can select all needed items to proceed.

User section improvements

We have fixed some issues deriving from users import through external IDPs and improved overall system performance.

Need help using crystal? Check out the full crystal tutorials here.

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