
This page describes the Notifications Section.

Notice the second icon from the top in the Left Sidebar: anytime you receive a notification, you will see a small red badge that notifies you that something new is waiting for you.


To receive notifications on Crystal app, remember to enable the push notifications on your mobile.

Find Your Notifications

Clicking on the icon, the Notification Center will open up.

There, you can find all your notifications listed in chronological order, with the latest received on the top.

By clicking on each notification, you will be able to access to the related content.


Once you open a notification, you will not be able to access it from the Notification centre anymore.

Manage Your Notifications

In the Notification Centre, you can also manage the notifications as needed.

Delete Notifications

If you have too many notifications, you can delete them using the three dots icon next to each notification.


After deletion, you will not be able to retrieve the notification anymore.

Notifications List

There are different kinds of notifications that Crystal can send you over time.

Let's check them out one by one.

Analyzed insight

An Insight Analysis is ready!

Detected anomaly

An Anomaly or a Threshold Alert has been detected!

Scheduled topic

The time to check out the Topic has come!

Topic forecast (Beta)

A Topic forecast is ready!

Topic download

A big-size file (Excel or PDF) is ready to be downloaded!

Shared topic

Someone shared a Topic with you!

Shared data story

Someone shared a Data story with you!

Last updated