Version 2.38
Web (v2.38)
✔️ Improved conversational capabilities
Time filters now work also with special characters like ".", "/", "\", "-" and blank.
✔️ Improved Dashboard and Data Stories
The loading of Topics in the Dashboard and in Data Stories is now carried out progressively for a single Topic and not as a whole so that the user can immediately view the first Topic which ends the loading process while waiting for the others.
✔️ Resume from the last Topic
After logging back into the Advisor, you can resume your conversation from where you left off: the last topic you asked about will be displayed first.
This doesn't apply if it's the first time you interact with Crystal.
iOS and Android (v3.0.22)
✔️ Mobile Autocompletion Enhancement
In the Autocompletion feature, filter values are more responsive and intuitive.
Now, all filters are displayed progressively as you type (including partial keystrokes) and, in case of 6 and more values, can be scrolled with ease.
✔️ Tablet Topic and Landscape Visualisation
Tablet devices only. Dashboard and Data Storytelling, the topic cards are loaded progressively once per row, making them more pleasant to navigate and the right panel (including Explore your Data and Descriptive Analytics) is locked, making it visible at any time
Web (v2.38)
✔️ Excel Export
The misalignment problem between the expected rows and those actually downloaded by the user for the Export Topic via Excel functionality has been resolved.
iOS and Android (v3.0.22)
✔️ Dashboard Customized date
In the Dashboard, the customized date you select is permanent until a new date is applied.