Topic Scheduling

This page describes the Topic Scheduling Alert.

Topic Scheduling is one of the possible Data Analysis techniques that Crystal can apply to Topics to monitor changes in time, and for which you can receive a specific Alert notification.

Let's see how it works!

What is Topic Scheduling

Pills of Data Analysis

This type of Data Analysis is focused on obtaining instant snapshots of data at specific moments in time.

You can use this type of Alert when you need to be notified on a Topic in order to compare its status at different moments in time.

When you set this type of Alert, you can decide the moments and frequencies of the reports that you are programming.

Set a Topic Scheduling

You can activate a Topic Scheduling by setting it up from a Topic Card.


As of now, the maximum amount of Topic Scheduling Alerts that you can set is 10.

Set from Topic Card

You can schedule a Topic from the Topic Card, like this:

  1. ask for the Topic you want to monitor

  2. once the requested Topic is returned in the Advisor, navigate through the Topic Card and click on the "Alert" icon on the bottom

  3. choose the correct Alert Type - the "Schedule Topic" one - and click on "Select"

  4. at this point, you can choose the moments and frequencies of the reports:

    1. define a start date (day and hour)

    2. define if it is recurrent or not and, if so, choose

      1. the frequency of repetition (daily, weekly, monthly, yearly)

      2. the specific weekdays of repetition, where applicable (e.g. every week on Wednesdays)

  5. check the recap of the next notification

  6. click on "Schedule" to confirm and activate the Topic Scheduling on the chosen Topic


This capability is available for both Configured Topics and Auto-generated ones.

Check for the Activation

At this point, Crystal will give you a feedback about the result of your request.

Feedback on Request

These are the possible scenarios:

  • Alert set correctly

  • Alert already active

  • Alert limit reached

  • Technical errors (not enough data, not applicable, no network, etc...)

To make sure that the Alert was set correctly, you can also check for it in the Alerts Section of your Account: you should find it there together with the other active Alerts.

Once the Topic has been scheduled, you simply need to wait until the programmed time comes.

Receive a Topic Scheduling Notification

When the programmed time comes, you'll receive a notification in the Notification Center.

Let's see what happens in this case:

  1. when the notification arrives, open the Notification Centre and read the notification: this notification signals that it is time to check on a Topic

  1. to know more, simply tap on the notification: this way, you will be redirected to the Advisor

  2. you will now see the Topic monitored with an intro message that tells you that it is time to check in on your Topic: take a look and see the current status of your Topic!

This is it: you can now make better decisions, by quickly adapting to the turns of events!

How Does It Work?

Once you schedule a Topic, Crystal keeps in memory the time and frequency conditions you set and alerts you when the conditions are met.

At this point, Crystal takes a snapshot of the Topic and sends it to you.


  • Topic Scheduling is available for all the existing Topic Objectives


  • Limit of 10 Topic Scheduling Alerts running at a time

  • Topic Scheduling can be requested on one Topic at a time only

  • At the moment, it is not possible to edit Alerts yet: if you need to modify the details of your Scheduled Topic, please delete the Alert first and create a new one

  • Be careful on modifying or deleting a Topic where an Topic Scheduling is active, as this may have an impact on the outcome of the Topic update that you will receive at the end

Stay updated on your Topics!

Last updated