Invite Users Manually

This page describes how to manually invite Users to Crystal.

As an Admin Member, there are two invitation methods that you can use to invite Users to Crystal: manual or via Identity Provider.

This guide focuses on the manual invitation method (you can read about the alternative method here).

Let's see how to do it.


As viewing permissions are inherited from Groups, after the invitation process don't forget to also add the invited Users to one or more Groups in order to grant them viewing permissions to data - otherwise they won’t be able to talk to Crystal on the first access.

Choose Method

Choosing the invitation method is easy:

  1. go to the "Users" Tab

  2. choose the option "People"

  3. click on "Invite People"

  1. now you can choose the "Add manually" invitation option

Enter User Info

Now you need to insert all the details of the Users you want to invite.

Mandatory Fields:

  • First name

  • Last name

  • Email

  • Role

Crystal Roles

Remember that Member Users are the ones who can access the Crystal Advisor only, whereas Admin Users can access both the Advisor and the Console.

To know more about Crystal Users' roles, check this article.

Optional Fields:

  • Job title

  • Country

When you click on "Add manually", an email will be sent to the new User with an invitation link to enter the Crystal Project.

The User just added will be collected within the "Pending Invitations" sub-tab, it means that this User has not logged in to the Project yet: once the invited User will complete the first Login in Crystal, it will be moved to the People sub-tab.


Depending on your subscription plan, Users seats are limited to a specific number.

You can check this number in the upper part of the screen.

Invite More Users

If you need to add more than one user at the same time, you can select the "Invite another" option that is located in the User Info element.

In this case, when clicking on the button, the User is added and the Users tab will be refreshed to allow you to insert the new User’s details.

Send a Reminder

You can easily send a reminder to join Crystal to each User who has not yet logged in for the first time: just check the dedicated area related to the "Pending Invitations" in Users within the Console to send all the reminders you need.

Last updated