Invite Users to Crystal

This page describes how to invite Users to Crystal.

To join Crystal as Members, all Users must be invited by the Admin.

If you are an Admin User, you can manage the invitation process from the Crystal Console.

Let's see how to do this!


As viewing permissions are inherited from Groups, after the invitation process don't forget to also add the invited Users to one or more Groups in order to grant them viewing permissions to data - otherwise they won’t be able to talk to Crystal on the first access.

Invite People

First of all, access the Invitation Section:

  1. go to the "Users" Tab

  2. choose the option "People"

  3. click on "Invite People"

Choose Invitation Method

At this point, you can choose between two invitation options:

  1. add Users manually, sending them an invitation link and asking to create a Crystal account

  2. granting Users access via Identity Provider (IDP), allowing them to access Crystal with an enterprise email without creating a Crystal account

Please Note

Users will need to follow different Signup and Login processes based on the method you choose.

Deep-dive on the invitation methods!

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pageInvite Users ManuallypageInvite Users via Identity Providers

Last updated