
This page gives an overview of the Alerts capability.

By nature, data changes over time.

For this reason, in order to have a clear understanding of data, it is crucial to capture all its changes and fluctuations.

Of course, Crystal can do this on your behalf!

Crystal is able to monitor data fluctuations, in order to spot relevant events and to warn you about them through a notification, called "Alert", in the case that something happens.

All you have to do is to select a Topic of interest and choose the specific kind of Alert that you need to activate on it, among the available options.

Alerts are useful for you to stay constantly updated, informed, and in control about what is going on in your data, without the need to worry about searching in first person.

Let's see an overview of which Alerts are available and how to use them.

Alert Types

There are three types of Alert options that you can activate in Crystal, each of them corresponding to specific Data Analysis techniques that can be applied on the chosen Topic.

Anomaly Detection

Pills of Data Analysis

Anomaly Detection is a Data Analysis technique used to identify patterns or occurrences that deviate significantly from the usual or expected behaviour of the given dataset.

Some types of anomalies can be errors, outliers, or unusual patterns.

You can use this type of Alert when you don’t have a precise data change in mind but, instead, you are interested in generally keeping an eye on a specific Topic.

After you set this type of Alert, the kind of anomaly that will be found is up to Crystal’s expertise to determine, among several possible types of anomalies that can occur.

Threshold Monitoring

Pills of Data Analysis

This type of Data Analysis is focused on catching the exact moment when a value goes above or below a specific threshold.

Using this type of Alert is more suited when you precisely know that you need to monitor how a specific value in a Topic behaves in comparison to a specific threshold value: if and when it goes below or above it.

When you set this type of Alert, you are able to decide the direction of the analysis and the threshold value.

Topic Scheduling

Pills of Data Analysis

This type of Data Analysis is focused on obtaining instant snapshots of data at specific moments in time.

Using this type of Alert is best suited if you need to be notified on a Topic in order to compare its status at different moments in time.

When you set this type of Alert, you are able to decide the moments and frequencies of the reports that you are programming.

Set an Alert

In general, you have two alternative methods to set Alerts:

  • asking Crystal in Conversational (textual or vocal)

  • setting it from the Topic Card of the chosen Topic (clicking on the relative icon)

Please Note

As of now, different kinds of Alerts support different activation methods.

You can find a recap in the following table.

Alert TypeConversational MethodTopic Card Method

Anomaly Detection



Threshold Monitoring



Topic Scheduling




  • Currently, the maximum amount of Alerts that you can set is 20 Alerts: 10 Anomaly Detections and 10 Topic Scheduling

  • Threshold Monitoring is counted as an Anomaly Detection

  • The Topic Card method applies to both Configured Topics and Auto-generated ones, whereas the Conversational method applies to Configured Topics only

Manage Active Alerts

After having set you Alerts, you can always check and manage them as you need.

All of your Active Alerts can be found in the Alerts Section, accessible from your Account.

  1. open the Account Section

  2. open the Alerts Section: from this screen, you can see the total number of active Alerts at a glance

  1. check your Alerts: once in the Alerts Section, you can find the full list of active Alerts and all the relative settings and details (e.g. threshold values, frequencies of occurrence, etc.)

Please Note

Alerts are divided between Anomaly Detection (which includes also Threshold Monitoring) and Topic Scheduling.

  1. search for you Alert: if you want to quickly find a specific Alert, you can do it with the help of the Search Bar

  2. finally, you can delete Alerts: just click on the corresponding icon within the selected Alert's Card and a pop-up will appear to confirm you really want to delete this alert

Please Note

At the moment, it is not possible to edit Alerts yet.

If you need to modify an existing Alert, please delete it first and create a brand new one.

Receive an Alert Notification

If an event of interest has occurred or if a scheduled time has come, Crystal will promptly send you a notification about it: just click on the notification to discover what happened!

In this way, you will always be updated on your data in real time and can quickly adapt your decisions to the turns of events.


If you are using the Crystal app, be sure to turn on push notifications, so that you don't miss any Alert.

Now, let's deep-dive: choose the Alert of your interest to see the full experience!


pageAnomaly DetectionpageThreshold MonitoringpageTopic Scheduling

Last updated