
This page describes the process to sign up to Crystal.

Be Invited by the Admin

To join Crystal as a Member, you need to be invited by the Admin, who manages the process from the Console.

Invitation Options

The Admin can invite you from the Console in two alternative ways:

Please Note

At this stage, the Admin also needs to add you to one or more Groups in order to grant you viewing permissions to data - otherwise you won’t be able to talk to Crystal on the first access.

Accept the Invitation

You can access Crystal in two ways, based on the Admin's choices for your account.

Invitation by email

If you have been invited by email, you must check the inbox, click on the invitation link, set up a password, and create a personal account.

How to create a password

Both the password and your username (your e-mail) are case-sensitive.

The password must be at least 8 characters long.

Please Note

In case you do not receive any email, please, check the spam folder of your email; alternatively, please reach out to your Crystal Admin.

At this point, a confirmation of the password being changed appears and you are now able to do your first login to Crystal.

Invitation by IDP

If you have been invited by Identity Provider, you can directly proceed to your first login with Google or Microsoft, without setting up a personal account.

You are now able to start your journey on Crystal!

Last updated