Version 2.41



✔️ Conversation | Time Filters

To speed up the time spent writing to Crystal, we increased our product efficiency to better reflect your needs, specifically improving the alternatives you can type dates that are required to compose the time filter without being forced to do it in a strict pre-defined date format, as follows:

  • Month & Day as Numbers: you are now able to apply a time filter to your conversational requests that include a Month and a Day written as a number separated from the Year, e.g. “Total of Sales for 2022 10”, “Total of Sales for 2022 10 7”.

  • Month as a Word: you are now able to apply a time filter to your conversational requests that include a Month written as a word separated from the Year in any order, e.g. "Total of Sales for 2022 October” or “Total of Sales for October 2022”.

  • Month Abbreviations: You are now able to apply a time filter to your conversational requests that include a Month written as a short abbreviated word separated from the Year, e.g. “Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec”.

✔️ Conversation | Topic Title Exact Match

When typing an exact Topic Title in a conversational request you will immediately receive the related Topic in conversation with no disambiguation request.

✔️ Autocomplete | Simplified Filter Suggestions Improvements

  • Suggested Filters: Once selecting one of the Suggested Sentences offered by Autocomplete, you immediately receive suggestions on how to enrich your request by adding one of the potential Dynamic Filters associated with the Topic just selected: in this way, you will have immediate awareness of the possibility to add a Dynamic Filter in the same sentence and, at the same time, be fully assisted by Crystal in performing this enrichment correctly.

  • Context: if you already asked for a Topic and you want to filter it using a conversational request by typing in the word “and”, you will receive all possible Dynamic Filters options to drill down the related Topic: in this way, you have immediate awareness of the correct Filters List that could be applied to the target Topic without losing the focus on your deep dive.

iOS and Android (v3.0.25)

✔️ Data Storytelling | Topics Ordering

You are now able to change the order of the Topics collected and presented in each Data Story with the function “Sort”, making it easier to find and manage the Topics.

✔️ Dashboard | Topics Ordering

You are now able to change the order of the Topics collected and presented in each Entity with the function “Sort”, making it easier to find and manage the Topics.




✔️ Notifications | Chronological Order

All the Notifications you receive are always collected in the Notification Centre in chronological order - from the newest to the oldest.

Web (v2.41)

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