Version 2.46


General | Web (v2.46) & Mobile (3.0.27)

✔️ Topic Card Revamp

The Topic Card has been improved to always offer you the best experience, as follows:

  • Key Actions: you can easily recognise and find the most important actions - Ask, Alert, Data Story, Share - on the Topic Card foreground at the bottom.

  • Key Values: if provided by the Admin in Console, you can always find the Key Values available on the top of the related Topic Chart.

  • Dynamic Filters Visibility: you can always find the Dynamic Filters applied with the related label and with the chance to expand the related content.

  • Time Filter Visibility: you can always find the Time Filter applied to the Topic at the bottom of the Card.

  • Kebab Menu Contents: you are able to identify the Menu that leads to further actions on the Topic Card, as Forecast (when available), Download Excel and Download PDF.

  • Expand Mode Triggering: you are now able to easily identify how to expand the Topic Card in Expand Mode in the dedicated button, located next to the Kebab Menu in Web and within the Kebab Menu in Mobile.

  • Expand Mode Contents: you can find the same contents provided in the Advisor with an enlarged view of the Card itself too.

✔️ Flawless Conversation | Time Aggregation

When you ask for an Overtime Topic without having specified the Time Aggregation, Crystal returns that specific Topic with a time aggregation of its choice, without asking for more specifications.


General | Web (v2.46) & Mobile (3.0.27)

✔️ Conversation | Last Year Filter Understanding

When you request a Topic and wish to apply an additional filter by asking for the same Topic but for the Previous Year, Crystal will now consistently provide accurate responses.

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